The presence of hemorrhoids represents the normal anatomy of the individual. They are blood vessels that are located, in the walls of rectum and anus. It is a junction where the arteries merge into the veins. They are supported by smooth muscles, and tissues and the nerves present there to provide the sensation. The hemorrhoids are classified, into two types, namely, internal and external, according to the place where they are present. The internal ones are located above the pectinate line, and the external ones arise below the line, which is covered with the cells that bear the resemblance of skin. The hemorrhoids can become a problem when they get inflamed, as they can cause itching, pain, and even bleeding. Usually, a person cannot see hemorrhoids; however, when they swell, they become visible, but only the external ones. The Piles Doctor in Mumbai is providing the individuals with the best treatment for curing the problem. Below is the list of causes that can accu...
We have been running Piles, Fistula Clinic in Thane, Mumbai for the last 10 years, during which the centre has diagnosed and treated about 20,000 cases of various and rectal patients. About 1500 patients have been treated by surgical or para surgical procedures, emphasizing principles of Ayurveda as well as modern surgery.