This information won't be detailed enough. Are they trying to prevent teenage pregnancy? What a shame." "I think it's too brief, and not detailed enough..." "In fact, it's just a step up from an abstinence education program." I think if teenagers read this it will just confuse them. "You've got to be kidding me. Even the 'protection' section is really brief!" "It's better than nothing, but they couldn't have done more? How disappointing. The response on the internet has not been good, particularly among female bedizens who had to deal with a bunch of sex-related issues. Many seem to think that the government stopped calling them "comprehensive sexual health education" and began to call it "sexual health advice. In order to make this series informative, we tried to simplify the contents as much as possible. In fact, from now on our ministry will use the term "sexual health education". We h...
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