The clinic is founded by Dr. Yogendra Rai who has completed his graduation from YMT Medical College, New Mumbai. He is highly recognized for offering the effective and painless treatment of anorectal disorders like piles, fistula, and fissure. The doctor along with his paramedical staff offer unique treatment for anorectal diseases. They are in this domain from last 15 years and treat thousands of patients who got completely cured and now living their normal life. The noticeable thing is that free camps are also organized by the clinic periodically for the people who are financially weak.
Moreover, the Piles Doctor in Thane has diagnosed and treated around 20,000 cases of the various anorectal patients. About 1500 patients have been treated by the surgical or para surgical procedures, emphasizing principles of Ayurveda and modern surgery. Piles constitute the most common proctologic disease. According to the studies, in the industrialized countries, about 50% of the population aged over 50 suffer or have suffered from this problem. It is also true that the treatment of the disease like piles should be guided by an accurate clinical evaluation. The common symptoms of piles are bleeding after going to the toilet.
Piles are mainly located in the lower part of the rectum and in the anal canal. The clinic has adopted the latest surgical method for this disease which results in the less painful resolute approach for the treatment of symptomatic piles. The Piles Doctor in Mumbai also offers the treatment for the various Ano-rectal diseases like:
• Anal Discharge
• Fissure in Ano
• Abscess
• Polyps Rectum
• Ano Rectal Bleeding
Besides this, the clinic is well fitted with state of art facilities required for the treatment of anorectal diseases. They also take pride in treating more than 150 complexes, complete or partial horseshoe fistula successfully.
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that are found in the lowest region of your rectum and anus. Some of the time, the walls of these blood vessels stretch so far apart that the veins show signs of inflammation or irritation, particularly when you excrete. Swollen Hemorrhoids are likewise called piles. One of the most widely recognized reasons for rectal bleeding is the presence of Hemorrhoids . They're seldom risky and generally clear up in a short period of time; however you should seek consultation from your doctor to ensure, that it isn't anything critical.