Haemorrhoids or piles are the collections of swollen tissues around anal canal region. The problem can lead to mild or severe discomfort and pain. In many cases, it also leads to bleeding. The problem can be self-diagnosed by the patient easily if he knows about the symptoms well. However, it is recommended to visit a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. In most of the cases, piles do not require surgery and can be treated using medicines.
The common symptoms of piles include:
· Bright red blood after a bowel movement
· Difficulty and pain in passing stool
· Red sore area around the anus
· Feeling of a lump near anal canal
Such symptoms can lead to mild or severe pain depending upon the level of inflammation in veins. If you are facing such symptoms and are scared of surgery then there is no need to worry. Rai Piles Clinic is providing Piles Treatment Without Operation in a timely and painless manner to its patients. You should not hesitate to contact as it is a normal problem and can be treated easily with right medications. Even if you are hesitant you can consult Dr. Yogendra Rai through online mode too.
If you are not encountering any such problems, it is important to take timely steps against causes that can help avoid such painful experiences at a future date. Here is a quick guide to the causes that can lead to piles:
· Chronic Constipation
· Diarrhea
· Pregnancy
· Straining while passing stool or
· Lifting heavyweight
Therefore one should take proper steps to counter such problems at an early stage in order to avoid piles at a future date. Severe piles can even lead to bleeding. Though Rai Piles Clinic provides Bleeding Piles Treatment without surgeries and using only natural procedures of Ayurveda, it is important to counter such causes at an early stage. Dr. Yogendra Rai also provides free checkup at medical camps organized from time to time in order to help financially weaker patients.
Yes, piles can be treated without operation, for that you have to take ayurvedic medicine. Cureveda provide the Herbal Piles Supplements.