Hemorrhoids are vascular structures in the anal canal that can become acutely painful and inflamed and Piles Treatment in Mumbai are available. They occur primarily because of excessive straining during bowel movements (often brought on by constipation) or pregnancy, though they can also develop secondary to chronic diarrhea due to irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulitis, or tumors.
What are the symptoms of piles?
The primary symptom is rectal
bleeding, which can be bright red or very dark and may occur with bowel
movements, before a bowel movement, or without a bowel movement. A person might
also experience pain during a bowel movement as well as itching around the
anus. Piles may be external or internal, but usually external piles are the
result of an inflammation of the veins around the anus. Internal hemorrhoids
are dilated veins within the anal canal and cannot be seen from outside of the
body. They typically do not cause pain unless thrombosed (shrunk because blood
has congealed inside them).
The first line of treatment is
typically high-fiber foods in order to soften or bulk up the stool. This can be
aided by regular exercise, which encourages better bowel function. Warm sitz
baths can also help with pain, itching, and swelling. Medications such as
topical creams or suppositories containing a local anesthetic and stool
softeners can be used as well. In more severe cases, medications that cause the
blood vessels to contract (sclerosants) or coagulate the blood inside of them
(infrared lasers) can help shrink hemorrhoids. If these measures don't work,
surgery may be necessary to remove the piles.
What is the best way to prevent
The best way to prevent hemorrhoids
is by eating a diet high in fiber, drinking plenty of fluids, and exercising
regularly. Also, avoid straining when you have bowel movements since this
causes increased pressure inside of the anal canal which can cause the veins
there to stretch or break. You can even consult with doctor for the Piles
Treatment in Mumbai.
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